Home / American Diner Belfast


Looking for and American Diner Belfast? Browse our business directory for address and contact details of American Diners in Belfast city.

What is an American styled diner? Well it is actually a pre fabricated restaurant unit typical of North Eastern United States.

However an American Diner in Belfast typically means a family style restaurant which serves a wide range of foods.
Menus typically include hamburgers, steaks and fries served with soda drinks and milk shakes.

The atmosphere of such establishments is typically noisy, glaring neon with a mix of casually dressed waiting staff.

Check our listings of American style diners in Belfast.

Listings shown here:

Eds Diner Lisburn ok not in Belfast but we like it:)!

If you would like to add or recommend an American diner please submit the business details using the maid id in about us. Back to Belfast Business Directory

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