A cycling diary, cataloging my progress in a battle to lose weight and regain years of lost fitness.
Following on from my previous fitness regime, I have now commenced again on my program cycling to lose weight. After a gap of a month or more, my body said enough and training has started.
Sat 29th August
Cycled 2 hours Moira- Lisburn – Lurgan- Waringstown- Dollingstown and back via Magheralin to Moira.
Sun 30th August
Cycled 1 hour on road
Mon 31st Aug
Cycled 1 hour on turbo trainer.
Tues 1st to Fri 4th Sept1 hour daily cycle commute:)! plus extra 1hr Fri
Sat 5th Sept
Cycled 3hrs 20mins.
Sun 6th Sept Nil RestoLost1 kg in weight this past week
More updates will follow shortly and all being well I will continue on this program.Maybe I might even do a little bit of bike racing:)!
Week of Sept 7th to 13thTraining and weight loss update.Cycled Mon – Fri 5days x 1 hour. Sat Day Off Sun Cycled 2hrs
2.5 KGS lost in last 2 weeks since started.
Week of Sept 14th- 20th
Same format except Fri& Sat nil.Sun 2hrs
Week Sept 21st-27th
Tues and Thurs 1hr.Sat 21/12 hrsSun 2hrs
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